learn to draw 3d heart

Photograph Courtesy: @dwell/Twitter

Thank you to 3D printing, we can print vivid and useful products, from homes to wedding accessories. 3D printing has evolved over time and revolutionized many businesses forth the way.

This relatively new applied science has disrupted the medicine, music, manner and automotive industries — for the meliorate. Take a look at some impressive real-globe examples of 3D printing and the companies that have embraced this advanced technology.


Are we living in the year 3000? The Berlin-based engineering science company BigRep definitely makes it await like nosotros're already in the hereafter. This company is set to change the motorcycle manufacture. BigRep adult the world'south first 3D-printed motorbike called NERA (and it looks astonishing).

Photo Courtesy: @BGR/Twitter

The 3D-printed eastward-motorcycle is fully fabricated from scratch, from the tires to the frame. The only components that weren't printed were the electronics. Fifty-fifty improve, BigRep plans to let its users impress replacement motorcycle parts from home instead of buying pieces in stores.

What'due south life like under the ocean? Humans may be able to know the answer sooner than we idea. Art graduate Jun Kamei created an incredible 3D-printed garment with gills called Amphibio. The amphibious gill could allow humans to breathe underwater.

Photo Courtesy: @imperialcollege/Twitter

Kamei was inspired to create Amphibio to help humans survive if a alluvion occurs or if the earth becomes submerged due to rising sea levels. Amphibio is a groundbreaking invention (whatsoever the aquatic future may hold). Are you lot tempted to purchase these gills?


Fashion and design have also embraced 3D engineering science. Many dresses have been created thanks to 3D printing, including wedding dresses and runway dresses. Printing a gown is cheaper, easier and quicker. Now, you don't need to store for a clothes at the store anymore — you can develop one right at domicile!

Photo Courtesy: @lonelyplanet/Twitter

In Shanghai, designers 3D printed intricate wedding dresses that took i week to make. These luxury gowns cost upwardly to $3,200. Dutch fashion designer Iris van Herpen as well featured 3D-printed dresses at a runway show. Her printed creations took the forms of a squid, an octopus and other ocean creatures.


Bicyclists and pedestrians tin now cantankerous on 3D-printed bridges. Some of these bridges have popped up around the world. In fact, the world's showtime 3D-printed bridge is located in Gemert, kingdom of the netherlands. In Cathay, Shanghai has ane of the largest 3D-printed physical bridges on the planet, measuring 86 anxiety long and 11 feet wide.

Photo Courtesy: IaaC/Wikimedia Commons

Dutch start-upward MX3D plans to install a 3D-printed stainless steel span. Using industrial robots to print the bridge, MX3D finished the project after 4 years. The bridge is expected to appear in Amsterdam'southward red light district over the Oudezijds Achterburgwal canal.

Prosthetic Artillery

Traditional prostheses are expensive, just 3D printing has the potential to put an finish to that problem. One time, college students used a 3D printer to create a prosthetic arm for 6-year-old Alex Pring. The new arm simply cost $350 to brand, while many prosthetic arms tin cost up to $twoscore,000 each.

Photo Courtesy: StarWarsRey/Wikimedia Commons

Thanks to 3D-printing enthusiasts, people like Pring can beget bogus body parts. In fact, a medical charity hospital in Hashemite kingdom of jordan produced 3D-printed prosthetics for victims of state of war. For those looking for superhero-inspired prosthetics, The Hero Arm develops strong, bionic 3D-printed prosthetic arms.


Homebuilding techniques are changing. Thanks to 3D printing, homes tin be built in less than 24 hours at a cost of but $4,000. Other than cheaper prices and faster construction periods, 3D printing could besides help those living in poverty.

Photo Courtesy: Tech Insider/YouTube

In fact, a housing clemency visitor has already teamed up with a tech construction visitor to tackle global homelessness, and people are living in these extraordinary homes. A family unit from French republic became the earth's first to live in a 3D-printed house. For those looking for luxury 3D-printed smart homes, haus.me sells homes that allow customers to live off-filigree virtually anywhere.


If you love musical instruments, you tin 3D print them too. For example, you can create all types of guitars, from acoustic to electrical. Printing a guitar can be cheaper, faster and more than convenient than purchasing one. Making traditional prototypes for instruments takes many hours of trial and fault. However, a 3D printer can reduce the time.

Photograph Courtesy: Maurizio Pesce/Flickr

The quality is just as good as an musical instrument fabricated of wood or metal. British indie rock ring Klaxons performed using a printed guitar. Likewise, the globe's showtime live concert with 3D-printed instruments took place in Sweden. The group printed a drum, keyboard and two guitars.


Many couples try to notice tips and tricks for saving money on their weddings. However, 1 bride cut costs for her special day using a 3D printer. Harnessing her dear for 3D printing, Erin Winick designed and created her headband, the table numbers, the cake topper, the floral block decorations and the flower girl's necklace using a 3D printer.

Photo Courtesy: @bfeld/Twitter

She also printed about 200 flowers for the bridesmaids' and helpmate's bouquets. For more than 100 hours, Winick cranked out and put together all the bouquets. Some guests had no idea she 3D-printed her wedding and thought everything was store-bought.

BMW's Millionth Component

While 3D printing isn't new, some luxury brands back up it more than others. Since 2010, BMW has adopted 3D-press processes to manufacture car components. The automotive company reached a huge achievement by printing one million components over the course of a decade.

Photo Courtesy: @RoadandTrack/Twitter

Information technology all started 25 years agone when BMW began testing out the new technology. The company used 3D printing for prototypes and development at offset. Eventually, information technology printed automotive components for mass production. Although the company has already reached a major accomplishment, BMW is merely getting started with 3D printing.


NASA is one stride closer to turning one person's trash into some other person's treasure. The space agency invented the "Refabricator," a system that takes 3D press to a whole new level. The Refabricator lets astronauts recycle waste product to create new tools while in orbit.

Photo Courtesy: @ToshJohn/Twitter

With the assist of the Refabricator, astronauts can stay in infinite longer. Every bit of late 2019, the 3D printer remains 250 miles above us on the International Space Station. Peradventure people on Earth will be able to use this incredible technology to recycle all types of waste someday.

Wheelchair Ramps

With 3D printing, it's possible to create brilliant and useful products. For instance, High german disability rights activist Raul Krauthausen designed a game-changing device. He invented a portable, 3D-printed wheelchair ramp. His prototype helps him ride up and down steps and curbs.

Photograph Courtesy: @RickHansenFdn/Twitter

Krauthausen'southward prototype took a lot of work and optimization. The ramp had to be big enough to allow people in wheelchairs to motility up or downwards average-sized steps but small enough to fit conveniently in a wheelchair's pocket. He besides shared his procedure online so others can impress mini wheelchair ramps for themselves.


This technology is also revolutionizing style footwear past creating custom-made shoes for better support and fit. Big fitness brands take already released 3D-printed shoes for mainstream consumption. For case, New Remainder began selling $400 3D-printed shoes in 2016. Adidas as well developed futuristic shoes in 2016, but the company only gave them to Olympics-winning athletes at first.

Photo Courtesy: @SAI/Twitter

In 2018, Adidas kicked into full gear and dropped new tech shoes to the masses for a cost of $300 a pair. Of class, Nike welcomed the trend too. The company released a 3D-printed, stretchy, water-expelling running shoe at a whopping $600.


Dreaming near driving a 3D-printed auto? Well, it's soon to become a dream come true. Cheers to 3D printing, the automotive industry is changing. For example, automobile manufacturer Bentley created the Bentley Speed half dozen using state-of-the-art metal 3D-press applied science.

Photo Courtesy: Wikimedia Commons

The Blade is another example of how the industry is evolving. Made for high performance, the Blade is set to be the world's first 3D-printed supercar. Strati plans to sell the world'south commencement 3D-printed electric car, which consists of far fewer parts than a traditional vehicle. And automotive companies aren't the only ones building cars. A male parent and son 3D-printed their own "Lamborghini" in 2019.

Medical Models

3D-printed medical models are groundbreaking for preoperative analysis. The new engineering allows healthcare professionals to print in different colors, textures, gradients and transparencies. Doctors and surgeons who study the models learn more than about human being anatomy due to the prints' realism and accuracy.

Photo Courtesy: @Berci/Twitter

A Seattle doctor saved a spleen instead of removing it by utilizing 3D printing. He practiced surgery on a printed spleen and acquired more than noesis before performing the procedure on his patient. The practice gave him conviction and helped cut the time of the surgery.


Running depression on makeup? Is your favorite lipstick discontinued? No problem. Whether information technology'due south lipstick or eyeshadow, it'southward possible to create cosmetics with 3D printing. One woman developed a portable makeup printer called Mink, assuasive people to print at their homes, in their cars or even in their favorite coffee shops.

Photo Courtesy: Pixabay

The co-founder of Mink, Grace Choi, says the color options are endless. Thanks to Mink, users tin can easily create makeup in any colour using FDA-approved ink. For example, the device can print a pinkish eyeshadow in less than 40 seconds. Somewhen, anyone tin can snap a picture of a friend's makeup and print it out later. What a time to be alive.


Coral reefs have likewise merged with the 3D-printing revolution, and scientists believe 3D printing may help the environment. For instance, using artificial corals could fix the damage that results from bleached corals. The 3D-printed versions of the invertebrates offer the possibility to save more than just the coral, only besides other organisms.

Photograph Courtesy: @CNET/Twitter

The artificial creations can as well protect coral reef inhabitants. In fact, fish have already embraced the 3D-printed coral every bit if it was the real matter. Researchers from Fiji used a coral skeleton and l iPhone images to develop constructive and attractive 3D coral models.


Hold the telephone. We can now impress pare thanks to 3D printers, although the technology is currently only tested on animals. Dr. James Yoo created a special 3D printer that tin scan the wounds of burn victims and crank out constructed skin right into the injuries.

Photograph Courtesy: Pexels

Yoo successfully presented the ways the automobile works on a pig. At present, the 3D skin printer is on standby for FDA approving to start testing on humans. Co-ordinate to Yoo, the bogus skin heals burns and wounds faster likewise.


Dwelling house decorations and technology are merging more than ever before. Tin't find the correct dining chairs to go with the rest of your home's décor? Instead of running to IKEA, consumers volition be able to customize their article of furniture with 3D press.

Photo Courtesy: Iain Farrell/Flickr

UCL's Design Computation Lab is i of the organizations that'south paving the way for 3D-printed furniture. UCL developed a chair printed from plastic. Design brand Nagami likewise partnered with famous artists to develop 3D-printed chairs, and the collaboration was revealed during Milan Design Calendar week 2018.


Vinyl LP records are returning to the mainstream, but some are coming back as 3D-printed versions. Using a 3D printer, music lovers can get close to the real thing. The audio on the new records is low-quality, but listeners can still recognize the music.

Photo Courtesy: @doctorow/Twitter

Co-ordinate to Mashable, the world's get-go 3D-printed record was unveiled during the 2013 SXSW festival. There are as well 3D-printed record players. Lenco-MD developed the first 3D-printed modular tape player in 2018, winning the best innovation award at a consumer electronics fair.

Pet Legs

3D printing can as well change the lives of animals. A cute husky, Derby, was born without two front legs, and so his ability to move was limited. His owner, Tara Anderson, provided him wheels for mobility, just these just weren't the right fit.

Photo Courtesy: @TreeHugger/Twitter

Next, Anderson fabricated Derby 3D-printed prosthetics, and these were amend tools for him. The prosthetics allowed him to run and sit down simply like other dogs. Thanks to 3D printing, more than dogs, cats and other pets have the chance to walk and run in ways they couldn't have before.


3D-printed food may sound weird, but it can nevertheless be delicious. The ingredients are all real too. To 3D-print food, the ingredients must be puréed and fit into a syringe-like device in order to eject onto a plate. Other ingredients must be added by paw.

Photo Courtesy: ZAGAT/YouTube

In that location are many benefits of 3D printing food, such as bringing complex and artistic culinary visions to life. It tin can also help astronauts in space to create meals and brand meat more sustainable. People can 3D-print all types of food, from pizza to spaghetti.


Locked out of the house or part? Forgot your keys? No worries. Yous can make a spare key with a 3D printer and always accept a copy with y'all. "Practice not indistinguishable" keys aren't restricted, either. Thanks to Keysforge, you tin can replicate any central you lot desire.

Photo Courtesy: @engadget/Twitter

That's good news for people who forget or lose their keys ofttimes. Nevertheless, nosotros also accept bad news: 3D-printed keys could be a thief's ticket to unlocking any building. With merely a movie of a keyhole, researchers found a way to print out a working key using special software. Thankfully, the researchers aren't planning to sell their tech.


3D printing is going to brilliantly disrupt the medical industry. Believe it or non, nosotros will be able to 3D-print solid organs somewhen. Using the new engineering science, Organovo developed functional liver cells that survived for more than than 40 days. The production is currently only for pharmaceutical testing.

Photo Courtesy: @CBSNews/Twitter

However, researchers are one step closer to 3D-printed organs. Scientists at the University of Rochester Medical Centre adult model organs that bleed, feel and expect like real ones. Even better, scientists at Harvard's Wyss Constitute adult 3D-printed hearts with blood vessels and chirapsia heart tissue.


Can't afford the camera of your dreams? With the rising of 3D printing, photographers can create custom cameras for themselves. London-based photographer Paul Kohlhaussen 3D printed many components to create his dream camera. Some people accept also 3D printed entire cameras, including the lenses.

Photo Courtesy: @HYPEBEAST/Twitter

For example, 3D modeler Amos Dudley designed and created a fully functional camera called SLO. SLO is a 35mm film camera with a "film cartridge, film path, flick take-up spools, gears for rotating the spools, shutter, aperture plane, lens, flick access door and a lightproof box."


Need protective headgear? No problem. 3D-print it! The Swiss Guards who protect the Pope at the Vatican ever wear helmets, but for more than 500 years, those difficult hats have been uncomfortable to clothing (especially in the hot sun). The guards no longer have to worry about the uncomfortable helmets.

Photograph Courtesy: @cnni/Twitter

At present, the guards happily put on 3D-printed helmets, which come with hidden air vents and more than infinite. The guards aren't the only ones who get to enjoy 3D-printed helmets, either. SpaceX developed a helmet that's well-nigh entirely 3D-printed. The sleek headwear features air-cooling components and a retracting visor.


Millions of people around the world need surgery for new corneas due to corneal blindness or scarring. Yet, scientists may be one step closer to solving this problem thanks to 3D bioprinting. In early 2019, University of Newcastle researchers adult a highly advanced "human" cornea using a 3D printer.

Photograph Courtesy: @PopMech/Twitter

The written report wasn't easy. The researchers analyzed a volunteer's centre to create a model. They had trouble keeping the model's rounded shape and getting ink that was the right consistency to fit in the printer'due south tube. Eventually, the researchers successfully created an bogus cornea that's close to a real one.


Arevo Inc. used 3D software and technology to create the earth's first 3D-printed bike. The fully functional bike is made of carbon cobweb. Subsequently ii weeks, the company finished building the bike. Although two weeks sounds like a long time, it's quicker than the traditional, more labor-intensive process.

Photo Courtesy: @Reuters/Twitter

The Arevo bicycle looks and feels like a loftier-end bicycle for commuting. The 3D-printed bike is too fully functional and stronger than titanium. Arevo doesn't plan to produce or sell bikes for the masses, but the company wanted to bear witness the incredible possibilities of 3D technology.


Some of the most controversial creations of 3D press are weapons, specially guns. Defense Distributed developed the first 3D-printed firearm in 2013. Although 3D printers can work with metals, it'south expensive. Every bit a result, Defense Distributed made the firearm from plastic.

Photo Courtesy: Vvzvlad/Wikimedia Commons

Defence Distributed released a blueprint showing people how to build a 3D-printed firearm, and it was downloaded 100,000 times in 2 days. Concerned for public rubber, multiple states filed lawsuits to end the information's release. Consequently, a federal judge temporarily blocked the release of the blueprint.


3D printing has transformed the medical industry in many ways. One incredible example of how 3D printing has disrupted the manufacture is by fixing broken bones. After a os breaks, plates and screws are often required to hold the damaged parts together equally the bone heals.

Photograph Courtesy: @Ultimaker/Twitter

Those days may soon be over. Hala Zreiqat and her squad at the University of Sydney developed a 3D-printed ceramic implant. The product successfully healed broken leg basic in rabbits. Fifty-fifty meliorate, the products turned into the natural bone and repaired big leg fractures in sheep. Testing the production on humans may be next.

Spectacles Frames

For those who wear glasses, finding a frame that fits right is challenging. The frames may be too big, too small or too uncomfortable. Fortunately, 3D printing is creating new and improved opportunities for customized glasses frames. At present, the eyewear industry has met the 3D printing uprise.

Photograph Courtesy: HP/YouTube

Glasses wearers are likewise happy about the additional alternatives. Big brands like GlassesUSA have adopted 3D printing technology. Fitz Frames also allows users (both kids and adults) to create unbreakable 3D-printed glasses through an app. Some people can also print their own frames at dwelling house.


Source: https://www.smarter.com/so-smart/real-world-examples-3d-printing?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740011%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex

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